
























では、脳梗塞になりやすい人の特徴とは、どのようなものなのでしょうか? もちろん一概には言えない部分もあるようですが、

・ 家族や親族に脳梗塞で倒れた、もしくは亡くなった人がいる

・ お酒をたくさん飲む

・ たばこを吸っている

・ 慢性的なストレス、睡眠不足がある

・ 運動不足が続いている

・ 味の濃い食べ物を好んで食べている

・ 油っこい食べ物が好き

・ 果物や野菜を食べず、お菓子やインスタントフードをたくさん食べる

・ 脈がたまに乱れる


以上、脳梗塞の前兆と、なりやすい人の特徴をまとめましたが、いかがでしたでしょうか? 一時的に体調の異変があったり、不健康な生活習慣が続いていたりする人は要注意なようです。



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15年間諦めなかった小野薬品 がん消滅、新免疫薬

完全ヒト型抗 PD-1 抗体「Nivolumab(ONO-4538/BMS-936558)」


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If Ebora goes through genetic change

広がるエボラ出血熱 備えは

NHK/NEWSWEB10月17日 23時00分










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エボラ患者の飼い犬を殺処分、助命嘆願むなしく スペイン

【翻訳編集】AFPBB News






カテゴリー: 感染症 | アメリカだけではなかった  はコメントを受け付けていません


カテゴリー: General | 4件のコメント

This is very interesting and should be known.

カテゴリー: General | This is very interesting and should be known. はコメントを受け付けていません







カテゴリー: General | 2014年08年30日付け最新情報 はコメントを受け付けていません

My Favorite Thing(s)

John Coltrane 
My Favorite Things、どこかで聞いたことがあるはず・・・。そう、あすこへ行こう。
カテゴリー: General | 2件のコメント

Out of Control


時事通信 9月27日(土)6時43分配信



数か月後には患者数140万人とは! すごいことになっている。




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Watch your back!


時事通信 9月26日(金)17時25分配信





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TOKYO MX西部邁ゼミナール














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Autumn Leaves

 Miles Davis
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Can I bargain for it?

今回は車の紹介を聞きながら英語と海外での処世術を勉強したい。 あちらの人たちはまくしたてるようにしゃべり購入を迫ってくる。不要なものは買わないよう自己防衛が必要だ。また、アメリカでは物を買う時バーゲン(値切り)をするのがふつうだ。うまくツボにはまったり、売り手の意表を突いたりすると、かなりの割引をしてくれる。むずかしく考える必要はない。それじゃ、予算オーバーだとか、これって少しよごれてないかとか、イチャモンをつけるわけ。車も同じだ。かなりの値引きを勝ち取った時は気分も爽快だ。さあ、いろいろとイチャモンを付けて、この車の値引きにチャレンジしてみよう。


◇ ◇

hey welcome to this station, Road Warrior.

I am your host Grant Roberson.

now it’s not a weekend behind the work but we get hand the wheel of an exotic vehicle.

so we need you really wanna take notice.

and most importantly everyone around you is gonna do the same.

now this week we wanna grope behind the wheel of 2014 Porsche Cayman S.

now what are we really gonna do is basic it down as much as possible.

really kinda look into the new S that you get behind the exotic four wheel vehicle.

now what I love about the cayman of course it has a stylish lines like we saw on the Porsche 911 Carrera.

now that’s a vehicle that tops out over a hundred thousand dollars.

so the mimic those beautiful rats.

it isn’t really bad because you’re saving about forty thousand dollars on this typical model.

now I’ll see the sleek lines are stereotypical the profile is all Porche.

and what you gonna know when you get out on the road is it really turns heads.

there’s no way you can really get through traffic really without punch in the gas to get out peoples way.

now what the best feature is right front center that is the headlights.

these are dynamic of course basically allowing you at night as you sweep into the curves.

they’re gonna turn ahead that now really makes a difference because of course this vehicle it delivers the horsepower.

and the speed so you can’t wait for the light to lag behind you.

you really want to shine way ahead of you really sweep into that curve as you go around.

now first thing you’re gonna notice on styling cues is right here in this air induction that actually fees into the engine.

now unlike American cars are most cars on the road that had the engine in front of of course, on the Porsche you’re gonna find it right here towards the rear end.

what this does is of course it feeds the engine as a lot styling cues now a lot of vehicles that don’t have this type of caliber of course a mimic this.

but this is true operation on this vehicle.

now the one thing that it gets to take used to with the Porsche of course is the fact that you have the trunk in the front.

now what I really like on the Cayman here unlike the 911 is the ability to actually store items in the front and the back.

now you’re really wanna know what’s really under this rear hood.

now what I really wanna know is what’s under there of course but what can I put under the trunk space because I really wanna be able to get my destination with everything I could possibly won’t.

even though this vehicle is small, this vehicle actually has two trunks, one at the front and kind of little bit of area in the back that was surprising, considering this oppositely has a rear mount of engine.

now up here is your trunk, some of you may not be conditioned to only American cars,

now I own this nice key fob, you press the coarse spinning button.

and you basically gonna pop the hood on this vehicle.

what you’re gonna notice of course is the engine is missing.

now what you’re gonna find is a very modest trunk space not really even measurable.

but it holds just enough for the weekend excursion.

because again the Porsche isn’t your family hauler.

what truly is, it’s a sport automobile that has just enough to get you through the weekend.

now with all the technology and the horsepower of vehicle you think it trickle down to the key because it does look like a Porsche and it response to it but what it is not it’s a smart key system.

now even though it doesn’t have the old traditional key, it really won’t unlock the vehicle unless you press the button, you walk up to it, it’s really not gonna lock.

now we found another 911 it does have that type of system.

now what you’re gonna do with this of course once you climb inside you actually have to insert this into the dash to get it crank up.

now this is somewhat cover if you leave it in your pocket, because once you get really low to the vehicle and to the ground to get in, you won’t really have time filling in and out your pocket.

now sweep around to the back of course we talked about the cargo in the front.

and what we found at the 911 was it really wasn’t anything back here.

but surprisingly here on the Cayman you actually do have a little bit of space, again you push the coarse spinning button and you actually gonna lift the rear hatch.

now in here it’s actually a fairly carpeted area no even access to the engine here either and you gonna find the decent cargo space.

now interesting enough we’ve actually went to the store, bought a huge new ironing board and ran in right down the middle of Porsche plan a space to boot.

now horsepower is one thing but if you don’t have enough grip on the road, it really is not gonna mean anything.

now what Porsche does here is that they put 235/40 in the front and 265/40 in the back.

now these are built on a 19 inch wheel.

now if you look at of course it’s a steer typical any type of racing where you’re gonna see all gas and the operations, the brake calipers because they really won’t enhance.

that’s the vehicle is a racing automobile.

now down here in ground level because this is truly about where the vehicle is only just a mere inches from the ground.

and you’re really gonnna notice is that when you climb inside the vehicle because you’re really gonna have to do is sit down on the ground and then kinda crawl inside.

now once you’re down here of course what you’re gonna see is a dual exhaust which is thinner at the back in and really gives you that traditional Porsche type grumble.

now as you sweep around this is about the really only view you’re gonna get of the engine and even that is somewhat hard to see.

now truly of course if you’re on a Porsche “are you really gonna work on it?” probably not so pretty much all this is confined, really keep you out of the loop of no one’s back here.

now if you have the need for speed, I’ll let you gonna earn a Porsche you’re gonna have to get the S after Cayman and the other thing you’re gonna note is you’re gonna want that rear spoiler and now right here built-inside is really low but you press the button on the inside.

it’s gonna rise to occasion. Now all the thing it’s gonna give you is that distribution you’re gonna want, keep that air flow going down now put a little bit pressure down here kinda keep that rear end from wiggling.

now I would say when I do that 0 to 35.

it’s not something I really need but when you put it up of course people behind you really take notice.

now we’d look at the overall numbers, basically the Porsche is gonna measure in about 172 inches with the very short 97 inch wheelbase.

now the width is about 60 inches with the very short about 4 foot tall overall.

now the track in the back is just a hawl of water again giving that kinda pronounced rear end.

now again we’ve talked about the ground clearance it is very good low, and what you’re really notice of course is the ingress into to the vehicle.

and I’m trying to make it somewhat cool to show you how you can do it.

now what the biggest problem you’re gonna have when you get behind the wheel of Porsche like this is really keep it clean without the power you’re gonna have right now,that really is like the forefront.

now one thing you’re gonna notice with these Porsches now we drove the 911 in a few months back.

it’s a really half family style line, if you look at the profile and there’s no misunderstanding that this is a true Porsche.

but the biggest thing for me is really understanding the exotic principles of this vehicle where the air flow goes, how low it is, and even these pronounced tires so let’s dive inside and see what the vehicle offers.

now when everyone dives inside it really takes a look at the interior before but it doesn’t hurt to see all the interactions.

now what you gonna notice is cargo is a little more printable in this small vehicle.

and what you’re gonna find is little nitches kinda tuck back here, something you can’t actually look in.

if you’re not looking, there’s one on both sides and it’s kinda of deep cavern not you can put some ice in there in beverage just because it’s kinda of but this will lie in to kinda store items back here.

now I’ll let you gonna see this rear deck lid that’s gonna give you a little bit more storage.

now what you’re gonna notice right here is these little caps.

those are kinda the central fluids to the vehicle in about the access you’re really gonna have to the engine.

Now last thing to know about the storage and the cargo of course in the front and back what you’re gonna notice is about 9.7 cubic feet in the back trunk and about 5 something cubic feet in the front.

now if you add those together that’s really gonna equal kinda a modest size sedan.

so nothing really to argue about but you can actually carry things in this vehicle.

now what you climb inside the Porsche I would say if we’re looking for innovation because after all this is an 8,000 dollar plus vehicle and what you’re gonna find is it’s right here in the dash, obviously this is LCD screen.

now this is touchscreen pretty much easy to operate.

but if you’re used to other vehicles like the modeling system from GM or other Typo systems, this may be a little bit more cumbersome because there are few more buttons down below.

now as we sweep down you’re gonna notice the door climate controls these are fairly straight forward with the temperature gauges and of course the fans speed nothing really to warry about.

now down below you’re gonna see heated and cool seats on this vehicle model.

now as we sweep down a little bit further, I’ll see this is a 6 speed manual transmission stereotypical on any performance vehicle.

now down below we have couple of sport modes just like we saw on the 911.

but it doesn’t have the exhaust enhancement systems like we saw on that vehicle.

I see sport, sport plus and some tuning specific for the suspension.

now what you leave the innovations here in the center of dash and you sweep around to the gauges which obviously is gonna be the main focus you look at.

it is somewhat stereotypical old school gauges with the huge tack on right front in the center in a small speed meter to the left.

now there is an innovation in the LCD screen to the right which really gives you that information like you won’t like what do you plan on the radio, down to the information related to the vehicle.

now otherwise it’s pretty much straight forward cockpit design and really allows you not kinda hold on and get a grip as you muscle down the road.

now we’ve talked about the storage and basically it’s as just maybe equivalent to the midsize sedan when you add the front cargo and the back together.

and when you climb inside that is where the storage measure up.

because here in the center console there is just nothing really to store, it’s very low, hold the occasional coin maybe the cellphone but that’s about it in.

now as you sweep around, one thing you really can’t find are cup holders.

where are they?

now what it took was of course the teenager to find there for me because they’re right here on the dash, hence the little symbol.

now once you press that they’re gonna be tucked away and easily spring in the place.

now one thing you’ll notice is they do grip right here but once you put the item in here they really just don’t actually dive inside it actually has a lot more the cup hanging up here.

so I’d say when you’re doing 0-60(mph) trials, you may notice that the cup that’s positioned right there may fling out.

now once you fall inside the Cayman of course this is where really that sports really gonna come together.

now most noticeable in this particular model is this red interior.

now it is standard operation procedure in the kinda performance line.

“am I a big fan of it?”

maybe not, it’s too lipstick for my liking.

now one thing you’re gonna notice is it’s only 2 seater unlike the Porsche 911 that we test drove that had the 2+2 design.

really this is an only 2 occupant seats in the front.

now obviously you’re gonna be able to only take the seat back a certain distance meaning you’re not gonna able to climb into your liking and ask for a leg room is stereotypical and fairly urban form someone in my height.

now what I do like is the ability of course to position these seats really with power control and you’re gonna find those right down.

here on the side and they’re just powered typical and allowing you to get a little bit more baluster and move the seats with ease.

now we’re all here to see the back in Cayman because this is where you’re gonna find the mid mounted flat six engines.

now that comes in both the Cayman or the Cayman S with the difference really be in the litters.

now the Cayman goes with a 2.7, while the Cayman S delivers a 3.4 litter engine. Now what that equates to is really horsepower, with the basic model delivers about 275hp with the S of great about 325 hp.

now what that really means of course is the 0-60mph numbers, with the standard Cayman getting about 0-60 in 5.1 to 5.4 seconds.

now if you go with the Cayman S of course you’re gonna trim a little bit better, somewhere around 4.3 to 4.7 seconds.

now this all relates to of course the transmission you couple the engine with, and of course the fact that the Cayman is about 60 pounds lighter.

now that does for this dish and Road Warrior of test drive behind the wheel of the 2014 Porsche Cayman S.

now I’m no gear head and really don’t look for performance in any vehicle, plus typically I don’t do 0-60 I actually keep it mostly tto 35 miles an hour.

but what you’re gonna find on the Porsche is that of course it delivers the performance you expect.

but surprisingly, also delivers cargo in this vihicle that has actually trunk in the front and in the bank.

I’d like to thank you for this Road Warrior…



カテゴリー: General | Can I bargain for it? はコメントを受け付けていません

G2US (ジーニアス)




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Yasuto Ohara Super Jazz Trio


土気にお住まいの、とあるご夫妻に時々お酒の席にご招待頂いている。いろいろと口実を設けては宴会を催してくださるのだが、毎回期待を裏切らない企画をされるので、大変楽しみなパーティーだ。日本を代表するジャズピアニストである大原保人氏と奥様も、毎回招待を受けている常連さんのひとり。前回の忘年会(だったと思う)では見事なピアノ演奏を聞かせてくれた。現在千葉市(*注)在住で、「エイティー ワン クラブ」というジャズクラブを経営されている。今年もモントレージャズフェスティバルに参加されるとのこと。是非ともこのお店でジャズを聴きながらマッタリとした夜を過ごしてみたいと思う。楽しみがまた一つ増えた。


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Tour2014 in Hokkaido














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